Areas of Practice

Family Law


The issues relating to the associated crisis in the family law courts have been well publicised. Whilst the government and courts have taken measures to reduce the delays, costs and emotional impacts endured by families stuck in broken system, more still needs to be done.


With the assistance of Kilmartin Legal, clients have been able to reach an early resolution and where necessary have been guided through the family law system by experienced solicitor Michael Kilmartin for the smoothest journey and fast-tracked wherever possible.


At Kilmartin Legal, we assist clients on a daily basis with resolution of their family law dispute, either through consent orders or binding financial agreement. Michael Kilmartin has represented high net worth individuals, including celebrities and sports personalities. He has experience and success in resolving complicated property settlements involving sophisticated structures, including family trusts, corporations, self-managed superannuation funds and other entities.


Michael Kilmartin is also a preffered family lawyers in relation to parenting matters, when it comes to difficult cases involving relocation, international child abduction, cases on the Magellan list, other cases with false allegations and systems manipulation of police resources and medical professionals.

Property Law/Real Estate


Kilmartin Legal Pty Ltd has a property division with experienced and senior Conveyancers to provide clients with the full suite of property services.

Whilst moving home or selling a property is an exciting new chapter for some, it can be incredibly stressful for others depending on personal circumstances. It is for that reason that we pride ourselves on making your sale or purchase as effortless as possible.

Given the wealth of experience and industry contacts between our Conveyancers, you will always be connected to the person that is best suited to manage your particular transaction. This personalised service has gained us the reputation of being incredibly reliable and efficient during the crucial stages of both purchasing and selling property.

Estate Planning


Nothing is more important for peace of mind than having your Estate Planning and Affairs in place.

At Kilmartin Legal our team are skilled and experienced in working with client to put in place appropriate arrangements for when the time comes, both for their retirement and when they depart from this earth.

We work with Financial Advisors and Chartered Accountants where necessary to ensure that our clients’ Succession and Retirement Plans meet their needs and their families needs.

We can also assist with Self-Managed Super Funds and the Appointment of Successor Directors for businesses and all other documents including Enduring Power of Attorney and Binding Death Nominations.

There is no point risking your Estate going to the Public Trustee or passing without a Will so that your family potentially end caught up in long litigation or paying additional costs. Our processes are streamlined and affordable, we can meet your expectations, including with bloodline family trusts and other strategies to ensure your estate passes in accordance with your wishes.

Business / Corporate Law

At Kilmartin Legal , we advise our clients so that they can maximise the potential profit for their business whilst ensuring protection of their assets. We offer solutions in relation to the appropriate structures and entities to operate a business, from companies to discretionary trading trusts and joint ventures.

We can also assist in relation to providing advice for equity and funding options for businesses.

At Kilmartin Legal, we have a host of precedents that will assist company directors and business owners, including company minutes and other documentation that can be produced at low cost with maximum effectiveness and in a timely way.

Being a company director can be stressful and time consuming, at Kilmartin Legal, we are here to ensure that your duties do not become overbearing and detract from your business operations.

Domestic Violence

Whether you have been served with a DVO or need to apply for a DVO to stop your ex or a family member from harassing you, Kilmartin Legal is here to help.

At Kilmartin Legal we recognise that people do obtain a DVO for purely tactical reasons such as to stop a parent from having contact with their children. We encourage our clients to pursue any parenting matters through the proper avenue which is the family law courts. We have experience representing clients where the police have made the application, with proven results in negotiating with the police prosecutor to withdraw the DVO.

We can represent you in your own private application or responding to a police or private application from first mention through to the delivery of affidavits and at the final trial.

Court Appearances

Whether you have been caught driving over the blood alcohol limit and need a work licence or have been charged with drunk and disorderly after a night out on the town, Kilmartin Legal can assist in representing you at your day in court.

Our Michael Kilmartin principal solicitor is a seasoned advocate and can make sharp and succinct submissions on your behalf to mitigate any sentence and ensure your embarrassing moment does not drag on any longer than necessary. 


  • Queensland Law Society

  • Family Law Practitioners Association of Queensland

  • Gold Coast District Law Association

  • Mermaid Beach AEME Surf Life Saving Club